Thursday Jun 13, 2024

Alma 8-12 | Jun 17-23

Join Heather, Stephanie, and Michelle as they discuss Alma the Younger's discouraging visit to Ammonihah, including: how the angel tells him to rejoice anyway, how Amulek reminds his people of their birthright and associate privileges, how Alma and Amulek testify together as multiple witnesses, how the doctrine of the Lord is taught frequently and often, how we can soften our hearts to understand the mysteries of God, how sometimes people are unnamed in the scriptures but are still important, and how often angels appear in this scripture block. Elder Holland reminds us to "search diligently, pray always, and be believing, and all things shall work together for your good" (Doctrine and Covenants 90:24), and how we can ask for heavenly help in our own lives. Here are some of the cited general conference talks for your further study: 1997–April, Henry B. Eyring, Finding Safety in Counsel; 2012–October, Neil L. Andersen, Trial of Your Faith; 2014–April, Marcos A. Aidukaitis, If Ye Lack Wisdom; 2000–April, Angel Abrea, Your Own Personal Testimony; 2008–October Gérald Caussé, Even a Child Can Understand; 2014–October, Carol F. McConkie, Live according to the Words of the Prophets.

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