Thursday Jun 06, 2024

Alma 5-7 | Jun 10-16

Join Heather, Stephanie, and Michelle as they discuss how the "book of life" is recognized in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, as a book in which God records the deeds of the faithful, whose names are recorded, as well as an account of their righteous deeds; we can ask ourselves the questions in Alma 5 and see if there are things we need to work on, how envy can affect our lives and create a demeaning view of God, how we should count our blessings, humble ourselves, and serve others. What does humility actually mean and what are the companions of humility, and are we recognizing our relationship with the Lord? Here are some of the cited general conference talks for your further study: The Other Prodigal, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, April 2002; The Laborers in the Vineyard, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, April 2012; Peacemakers Needed, President Russell M. Nelson, April 2023; The Merciful Obtain Mercy, President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, April 2012.

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